in collaboration with
Bella Bella
Horeca Sfeermakers

Mural restaurant bella bella

Hospitality Industry

For the new restaurant Bella Bella next to the Kurhaus in Scheveningen, we were approached at the last minute by Horeca sfeermakers. They had a problem with a painting that had been placed.

By acting quickly, the restaurant was still opened on time and with a beautiful graffiti mural. Completely in the style of the restaurant. 4 classic ladies eating spaghetti. MooieMuur has interpreted the wishes of the owner down to the last detail.

Restuarant Bella Bella Scheveningen
Bella Bella Restaurant Scheveningen

MADE commercial ART

Tia maria scaled Bewerkt

Tia maria

The Netherlands

The Boys West Kruiskade Rdam Bewerkt

amazon - the boys


New Balance   Amersfoort   Final   SQ (9 of 9) Bewerkt

new balance - femke bol
